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Skydiving near St.Louis,MO

Skydiving Weight limit and why is it so important.

This is a topic that nobody wants to discuss in this day and age, but it is necessary. We receive daily inquiries about weight limits for skydiving and whether we can accommodate individuals over 230lbs. Truth be told, we often receive calls from individuals who are sometimes in better shape than we are; they are simply larger individuals. These are real men whom you would want on your side in a bar fight. Why is weight so crucial when jumping from an airplane? Skydiving is unlike anything else out there. I’m not trying to discourage anyone from skydiving (as Bill Booth’s skydive waiver video will tell you), but similar to advising people with neck, back, or other injuries, skydiving is enjoyable, but walking is better. Allow me to share a few scenarios to help you understand why.

We weigh our tandem students. All skydiving centers do it, so please don’t lie on the waiver; we will verify it. Just like major airlines weigh your luggage, our pilots need to know the total weight we are carrying, and so does your instructor.

Now, I know what you might be thinking, “Why not assign me a slimmer instructor?” This is a common question we hear. Let me illustrate a scenario for you. Imagine a complete parachute malfunction occurs, requiring you to deploy your reserve chute; the opening might be intense. When you deploy the reserve chute at 150 or 160 mph, there is a risk of passing out due to the pressure on major arteries in the legs. Despite having the latest skydiving harnesses, we’ve had instances of people passing out just on a normal tandem skydive, even though it’s rare, it occurred twice this skydiving season alone. So, having a slim instructor won’t prevent you from taking a quick nap under the parachute, but remember, you still need to help with the landing. You must lift your feet for landing, and it’s challenging to do so if you’re unconscious. Regardless of how skilled your tandem instructor might be and the parachute they have, on a no wind weather day, you’ll land fast, presenting a challenge. After explaining all this to people, their immediate response is, “Do you know any skydiving centers in the St. Louis area that accommodate individuals over 230lbs?” There may be places that do, but we are not one of them. Industry standard by the equipment manufacturer recommendation is 230lb and that is what we do. Have a great day.

Skydiving Waiver Video.